What information is available
Session-level information is useful for analysis and also for troubleshooting in case of discrepancies.
For every single event in your campaigns, you can directly get campaign information and store it on your servers using macros or downloading session-level data.
Information related to impressions, clicks, conversions 1 to 5, assisted conversions 1 to 5 (as estimated by mediasmart), and video events is available.
Privacy-related consideration: If a user does not provide consent, some fields will be saved as "masked". For more information check our Privacy by Design article.
Data availability consideration: If you have signed a standard service order to access our platform the session-level information of your campaign is stored on the mediasmart side as well.
Session Data can help clients who are not willing to use macros in their tags or who want to have a second source of information in case data from macros happens to be lost.
Available variables in session level data
The list of fields available in Session Data for each of the KPIs is:
Field | Description | Sample |
advertiser | Advertiser of the campaign | apple.com |
advertiserID | Internal ID of the advertiser | de24b5571deae7cf4b2a5c00ef66fb7 |
areaID | ID of the Impression POI in the geolist used in the campaign's targeting | 6135471343241345_88658334564_14935679034 |
audienceID | ID of the audience used in the campaign | 9ass85sas45465as74d7asda243512 |
bidTimestamps | Timestamp of the bid corresponding to the event. ISO format | 2019-11-02T21:42:00 |
brand (make) | This variable shows the user's device manufacturer (make). | samsung |
bundle | Android's bundle of the application or Apple's application store ID | com.spacegame.basic3 |
campaignID | ID of the campaign | jbyphn7cs9lsxqemjaent3bc0hlxr5a1 |
campaignName | Name of the campaign | BLACK_FRIDAY_CALIFORNIA_MALLS |
carrier | Internet Service Provider | Verizon |
city | This variable shows the city where the ad was served. | Amsterdam |
connectionType | Type of the connection: WIFI, 3G, 4G, etc... | 3G |
conversion_areaid | Conversion POI | 18.29717152_42.71935242_1000 |
conversion_geolistid | ID of the conversion geolist. Used when the geolist for targeting matches the one for conversion, but changed the radius to 100 meters | nxelnvkgjqowi6klz9982atwcnenh5zc |
cost | Media cost | data.chargedCost |
cost_converted | Media cost converted to organization's currency | 0.0447843456342 |
creativeId | ID of the creative | cr-9vcp2okyxzlxlbvmz0wp6zqqsv7jksaq |
creativeName | Name of the creative | Banner |
creativeSize | Size of the creative | 320x50 |
creativeType | Type of the creative: image, video, 3rd party tag, etc... | Image |
dealId | ID of the deal | 299173252742251245 |
deviceId | ID of the device | EA7583CD-A667-48BC-B806-42ECB2B48606 |
deviceType | Type of the device | Tablet |
dnt | User tracking preference, GDPR compliant | true |
environment | App or site | App |
exchange | Name of the SSP/Ad exchange | smartad |
iabConsent | Consent definition: IAB Consent, CCPA, Binary Consent, etc... | yes / no./ not found / do not track |
impressionId | ID of the impression | yeop9qmgp4gu6aip4fhapdzvqx6exm27 |
ipAddress | IP Address of the event | |
ipLocation | The lat/lon provided from the IP Address | {"lattitude":48.9,"longitude":2.333} |
location | The lat/lon provided from the SSP/Ad exchange | {"lattitude":48.9,"longitude":2.333} |
location type | Preccision of location: none, high, low | high |
model | This variable shows the user's device model. | bsm-a536 |
organization | Internal ID of the account/organization in mediamart. | mediasmart |
os | Operative System | android |
osversion | Version operative system | 9 |
placebo ad | Denotes if the creative is flagged as a control one, a specialized usage of our Incremental KPIs product. Will be false in most of the instances | false |
publisher | Name of the publisher | sky_news |
publisherId | ID of the publisher | 167779 |
region | This variable shows the region where the ad was served. | CA |
seatId | ID of the seat | 2121 |
strategy | Name of the strategy | "PREMIUM_NEWS" |
strategyId | ID of the strategy | nba4d5z0gabk5vxiapdelhkesxs2hxxm |
tagId | Every app or site in mediasmart can have one or several subdivision. This value, unique for each SSP, represents the subdivision of the event | 7342372sasafa28347228ashe |
timestamp | Timestamps of the event in ISO format | 2016-11-02T22:32:05 |
type | Type of the event: impression, click, conversion 1, conversion 2, etc... | impression |
user_agent | Web browser or user agent | Samsung GT-I19322 |
web_page | Website as declared in the bid request or Website read from the referrer at the impression level | www.example.com |
zip code | This variable contains the zipcode of the user, as provided by the ad exchange. | 77052 |
JSON Sample
{ "advertiser": "apple.com", "advertiserId":"f58wud42omaee3kmccensm5a9", "areaId":"48865505234637915_23322878047731437_867197181784125" "bundle":"com.spacegame.basic3" "campaignId": "orq9rt2gd071de7toscz3nuuz", "campaignName": "APPLE_CA_SUMMER", "carrier": "vodafone", "connectionType": "3g", "creativeType": "third_party", "creativeName": "android_samsung", "creativeSize": "320x480", "creativeId": "cr-em34y2ln4mpyhgcx0paxh24g6", "deviceId": "a9f60f46-16da-44bf-91b7-63747d3cfc71", "deviceType": "phone", "exchange": "equativ", "iabconsent:"CO0T65qO0T65qFwAAAENAiCAAIAAAAAAAAAAABEAAAAA.IF5EX2S5OI2tho2YdF7BEYYwfJxyigMgShgQIsS8NwIeFbBoGPmAAHBG4JAQAGBAkkACBAQIsHGBcCQABgIgRiRCMQEGMjzNKBJBAggkbI0FACCVmnkHS3ZCY70-6u__bA", "impressionId": "wj3ga4rzb2yj62dn6ifrqy69y", "ipLocation": { "latitude": 48.8582, "longitude": 2.3387000000000002 }, "location": { "latitude": "43.60626", "longitude": "1.50734508" }, "locationType":"high" "os": "android", "osversion":"6.0.1" "organization": "APPLE INC", "publisher": "CNN", "publisherId":"167779" "seatId":"200032" "strategy": "PREMIUM_NEWS", "strategyId": "mucn9xchh6b8ji8t78nkxexz7", "tagid":"false", "timestamp": "2017-05-14T23:59:52", "ipAddress": "", "environment": "app", "type": "impression", "dealId": "023382147014", "creativeId": "data.creative", "userAgent": "data.user_agent", "cost": "data.chargedCost" "convertedCost": 0.004788029999999999 "placebo": "false" }
Access session level data
To access your session-level data, you can use our API.