
You can create audiences or enrich existing ones using audience pixels within sites. Such pixels will identify users based on the mediasmart ID (a proprietary ID created using the user agent and IP address users connect from, and validated to be unique).

The Audience Pixel or URL is automatically generated when an Audience has been created. That pixel is associated with the corresponding Audience, so every time it's fired, the User ID associated with the impression will be added to the Audience list.

What information is gathered

The beacon always attempts to register both the native ID and the mediasmart ID, so if the native ID is missing (it's usual), it adds the mediasmart ID. The bidder then only will employ these mediasmart IDs on WIFI traffic.

Pixel Example:


The Audience Pixel and the URL contain 3 placeholders:

  • org=X - being X the organization ID of your account in mediasmart

  • id=Y - being Y the ID of the Audience

  • udid=ToBeFilledWith_IDFA_or_GAID - where you should add the proper macro to receive the User ID

Can I record IPs?

Yes, mediasmart gives you the chance to capture IPs instead of mediasmart IDs. To do this, you should add "saveip=true" to your pixel string or URL:
