Pace uniformly

By default, campaigns will pace uniformly.

Meaning, that daily limits will be calculated automatically:

  1. When the campaign is set up:

  • Daily Limits will be calculated based on the Global Limits for each of these fields: Budget or Impressions.

    Daily Limit = Global Limit / Number of Days in the Lifetime.

  1. Daily:

  • Every day, the system will look at the KPIs generated by the campaign since the start date: Total Budget or Total Impressions.

  • The daily Limits will be modified (only for those of the KPIs that were globally set) based on the following calculation:

    Daily KPI = (Global KPI - Total KPI) / (Total Days in Lifetime - Total elapsed days in the campaign)

Run as fast as possible

We give you the option to choose if you want your campaign to Run as fast as possible. Meaning, that the campaign will buy all the compatible impressions until it reaches the Budget or the Impression limits, whichever comes first. It will not take into account the number of days remaining.

You can activate Run as fast as possible in the Schedule and Pacing section within Properties on any of your campaigns.