Consider if you run CTV app sync

Here's a sum up of the considerations you should make before and during a CTV App Sync campaign

Must have

  • Be clear on the KPIs you want to focus on. We can track and optimize towards up to 5 post-click conversions.

  • Confirm what MMP the app is tracking with. We work with the main MMPs, and the setup changes depending on each of them.

  • What is the Attribution set up on the MMP?
    Ideal setup:

    • Max. View-through attribution: 24h,

    • Cross-platform view-through up to 72 hrs max (min 24hrs).

    • If possible, enable equal priority for cross-platform impressions to 6h (the maximum).

  • Send non-attributed information before the campaign starts, for the system to start analyzing non-attributed information before the campaign start date. This would enable us to have some optimization adjustments prepared in advance. Ideally one week.

Check each of our partners for more dedicated information on Best Practices: