
Invalid Traffic (IVT) in Connected TV (CTV) refers to fraudulent, non-human, or otherwise illegitimate activity that inflates ad impressions, clicks, or engagement metrics within CTV environments.

It includes simple issues like bots and data center traffic or more complex schemes like device spoofing, app spoofing, and SSAI fraud. These activities misrepresent engagement, leading to wasted ad spend and skewed performance metrics.

Addressing IVT

To combat IVT, advertisers and platforms rely on trusted verification partners, tools like ads.txt and app-ads.txt, and monitoring SSAI transparency.

This ensures ad inventory is legitimate and prevents fraudsters from exploiting CTV’s rapidly growing ecosystem.

Addressing IVT is essential for preserving trust, optimizing ad spend, and achieving genuine campaign results in this premium advertising channel.

What does mediasmart do?

We remain vigilant in identifying new forms of fraud and proactively take steps to address them, ensuring a safe and secure environment for our advertisers.

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