Use the Ellipsis to check History, and Duplicate, or Delete campaigns
By clicking on the Ellipsis button at the far right side of any Campaign Header, you will be able to
Check the campaign History
Click on the Ellipsis & on 'History',
A dialog will appear with the configuration History.
You will be able to see all changes and download a .json file with them
Duplicate the campaign.
Click on the Ellipsis & on 'Duplicate',
A dialog will appear requesting a name for the new campaign.
Confirm by clicking on 'Duplicate'
Delete the campaign.
Click on the Ellipsis & on 'Delete',
A dialog will appear requesting confirmation
Delete by clicking on 'Confirm'
Activate or Pause a Campaign
Inside any campaign, you can activate or pause a campaign by clicking on the switch at any given time.
The system will confirm that the campaign has been activated or deactivated.