Weather conditions

Using the Weather Conditions targeting you can run your campaigns only when certain weather conditions are met for a particular area, be it at a country, region, city, or specific lat:long.

Weather conditions are updated every hour and available globally for cities with over 5.000 inhabitants.

This is available in any campaign or strategy's 'Advanced settings' section.

Target Weather conditions

Weather conditions are available for all types of campaigns and are compatible with any other targeting option.

Once on the Weather conditions section within the Advanced settings of the Targeting area of your campaigns,

  1. Open the Drop-down menu

  2. If needed, search by typing on the bar

  3. Select one or more conditions from the list, by checking the box beside each desired option.

Erase or Clear weather conditions

While you can unselect one or more conditions by opening the drop-down and clicking on the box again, you could also:

  1. Erase a particular condition by clicking on the X button of the corresponding pill.

  2. Clear all the selections by clicking on the X - 'clear' button at the end of the dropdown.

It is also possible to target any weather condition except one or a few.

Exclude Weather Conditions

If you want to exclude certain weather conditions,

  1. Search & Select the condition(s) you want to exclude using the drop-down menu

  2. Turn on the Use as Blocklist switch.