Audit Procedures for Inventory sources

  • We do not have available impressions for categories like hate content, pornography, explicit violence, etc. Read more about our Content Policy.

  • The first content verification controls are done on the Supply side partner/ Ad exchange’s side, which provides the Publisher Category following the IAB standards.

  • Our clients can select the categories of content where they will serve their creatives, and our platform allows you to enforce or suppress those categories.

  • We perform continuous analysis of the results in the publishers we buy traffic from. We exclude their inventory from the platform when a publisher:

    • presents a CTR that is too high

    • presents a CTR that is too low,

    • shows signs of potential non-human traffic.

Control of Non-Human Traffic

It is very important to ensure the optimal performance of your campaigns for us. Therefore, we count as valid, only those clicks that come from a human being and not from a machine.

We have developed in-house technology to make certain that is the case. Here are some of the measures in place:

  • Generating unique, one-use-only, volatile click and impression cyphered URLs so that a fraudster cannot call directly our data endpoints

  • Detecting and do not count duplicate clicks

  • Configuring each campaign not to buy another impression for a user one hour after a click has occurred (and this is how campaigns are configured by default)

  • Measuring time to click from the impression and creating publisher profiles using the footprint. Publisher profiles and publishers themselves are then used to adjust our bidding prices on every single campaign, even closing the publisher if the campaign does not convert. In general, we always try and measure post-click events and use that information to optimize. Publishers or users that are fraudulent would not convert and they would be “closed” by the algorithm.

  • Maintaining a system-wide Blocklist of publishers that is common to all campaigns, where we automatically add any publisher that generates strange results. Those strange results could be too low or too high CTRs or any suspicion or non-human generated clicks.

  • Targeting only publishers that are ads.txt certified, in web and in-app traffic.