DOOH Audience Sync

DOOH Audience sync is mediasmart's answer to the single most limitation of Out-of-Home advertising: the lack of interactivity.

By being able to target the users that saw the DOOH ad on either their phones or their connected TV, brand recall increases and it helps to accompany the currently more dynamic user journeys. Create true omnichannel strategies.

How does it work?

Whenever an ad is shown on a billboard, we scan the surroundings during a period of time after the ad is displayed (opportunity window) and we record the users who have been there and had a strong chance of having seen the ad. Then, those users can be targeted in a mobile synched campaign or a Connected TV, advertising the same product that they have seen on the billboard for stronger impact.

To learn more about the available opportunity windows and radius around the DOOH screens, please, check the How to set up DOOH Audience sync.