
The owner user type can:

  • Simulate all users created from his/her organization and sub-organization (if it has) if it is active unless Support.

  • Access the sections of Campaigns, Analytics, Creatives, Audiences, Audience Insights, Geolists, Deals, Publishers, External Campaigns, Tracking events, Organization

  • Activate/deactivate fields with additional cost (premium features enabled by Owner).

  • View and manage the premium fields enabled and signed by contract by an Admin. These premium fields (with additional cost) become FREE for that organisation if the Admins allow it.

  • Create and edit users.


  • Owners receive notifications if an Owner or an Admin activates/deactivates premium features within the Organizations section or within a single campaign, for example.

  • Owners do not receive notifications about the changes from an Editor.

  • Owners can activate/deactivate many notifications in their settings.

Organizations section

  • Owners can manage users, sub-organizations and deals.

  • Owners can access, view and manage basic fields activites by an Admin.

  • Owners can access, view and manage ALL fields with premium features by Owner.

  • Owners can view and manage the premium fields enabled and signed by contract by an Admin.

  • Owners can create users in your organization only if the organization is active:

Campaign section

  • Owners can activate/deactivate fields at additional cost (premium features enabled by Owner).

  • Owners can view and manage the premium fields enabled and signed by contract by an Admin. These premium fields (at additional cost) become FREE for that organisation if the Admins allow it.

  • Owners can view and manage all campaigns from their organizations and sub-organizations (if it has one).

  • Owners can view all campaigns in their organization but can ONLY configure the campaigns that you have created or that have been assigned by other Owners.

  • A new campaign created by an Owner automatically is not assigned to any user.


  • The editor user type can access the sections of Campaigns, Analytics, Creatives, Audiences, Insights, Geolists, Deals, Publishers, External Campaigns, Tracking events

  • Editors can NOT simulate other users.


  • Editors receive notifications if an Owner or an Admin activate/deactivate premium features within the Organizations section or within a single campaign, for example.

  • Editors can activate/deactivate many notifications in their settings.

Campaign section

  • Editors can create new campaigns but with some limits as premium features can only be enabled/disabled if the Owner has previously enabled them.

  • Editors can ONLY view if premium features enabled by Contract are enabled/disabled by an Owner.

  • Editors can VIEW all campaigns in its organization but can ONLY configure the campaigns that you have created or that have been assigned by the Owner.

Analytics section

  • Editors can ONLY view the KPIs assigned to him/her by the creator of the profile. If any KPI is not selected then it should be able to see them all.


  • Viewers can NOT simulate other users.

  • Viewers can access the sections of: Campaigns, Analytics, Insights, Deals, Tickets.

  • Viewers are NOT be able to modify the campaign settings, as they should only be able to view them.

Campaigns section

  • Viewers can VIEW all campaigns in its organization but can ONLY configure the campaigns that you have created or that have been assigned by the Owner.

  • Viewers can ONLY view if premium features enabled by Contract are enabled/disabled by an Owner.

  • Viewers can ONLY view if fields with additional cost (premium features enabled by Owner) are activated/deactivated by an Owner or an Admin.

Analytics section

  • Viewers can ONLY view the KPIs assigned to him/her by the creator of the profile. If any KPI is not selected then it should be able to see them all.


It is a role for a client of a mediasmart customer. mediasmart does not have any contract or contact with them.

  • Advertisers can ONLY access the Analytics section

  • Advertisers can ONLY view the campaigns assigned to him/her in this section.

  • Advertisers CAN NOT simulate other users.

  • Advertisers CAN NOT create users or external new users.

They need to be created Owner or Editor needs to ask authorization from an Admin or Account manager of the Advertiser’s domain to email support (support@mediasmart.io).

The advertiser role can ONLY view the KPIs assigned to him/her by the creator of the profile. If any KPI is not selected then it should be able to see them all.

Creative manager

It is a role that is meant to be used by creative designers from agencies that want to have access to Creatives + NEXDs Ad builder.

  • Creative managers can ONLY access the section of Creatives.

  • Creative managers can NOT simulate other users

  • Creative managers can view and manage the creatives section of your organization.

Audience manager

It is a role meant to be used by Data Partners to manage segments. She/He only has access to the Audience section of the main menu:

  • Audience managers have access to a specific API for audiences.

  • Audience managers can only view Audiences of campaigns assigned to him/her.

  • Audience managers can upload Public segments and upload Private segments that they assign to particular organizations, using the org ID and put their costs.

  • Audience managers can view reports on how they have been used.